Brian walked into the corral and opened his hand. A fish fell upward and onward. No time passed. He felt alone, non-descript. As he left, there was no way to describe the feelings that he had. No way to express the misery that he once held in his palm. The fish was particularly lovely. Tremendously so. He walked along the brush and lifted his hand once again and could feel the sensation as a relative calm rose from his chest.
No time passed. Not even a second. Not even a millennium. There is no excuse for this. There is no way backwards. By the time that you start speaking, it’s already gone and it has already become the past and no longer even matters. Rightly so. Not even a little bit. Not even a smidgeon.
Brian is exceptional. He exudes excellence and encourages everyone to greatness. He is a true healer of others and self, though he is awkward. His awkwardness offends people. It causes them to cross the street when he is moving towards them. He makes people very uncomfortable and that feeling generally lasts for days and then continues on.
This is the only reason that I bring it up. It’s not to make anyone feel bad or to bring shame on any particular group, but unfortunately it’s just a fact of life. We all feel that way at some point. We can pretend that it isn’t there, but it all comes back to the fish. To the pond. To the river. The river is key. Fish live in the river. They spawn. They find their way, eventually. Or not.
Brian, as well. He lives. He moves forward. There’s no way to communicate, so why even bother? Why waste so many words when one or none is enough? There’s no way to tell someone how you are feeling or try to express something that is too difficult to understand, so why do we even try and then fail so miserably? Especially amongst ourselves, but not even.
Don’t assume that you know. There is no knowing. There is only the ground. The machines. The frost. The rest of it is too obtuse.
Rhonda walks into a fish mart and chooses the finest looking flounder. She is also exceptional. More so than before. More so than now. She is connected, transparent, elusive. Her confidence inspires others to feel like they have hope, like they can see what is right in front of them. This is self-serving, though, and rightly so.